TODO items represent development tasks for improving the architecture as captured by the latest automatic measurement. They also show “architectural drifts” between the latest measurement and the baseline measurement, for example, if a class stopped being exclusive to a domain.
We haven’t conducted any automatic learning yet, so our TODO items are for the baseline measurement only (Baseline 1)
Let’s see the current TODO items that were created automatically by vFunction:
In the Analysis page, click the bulleted list icon between the search and the notifications icons to open the list of the TODO items (circled icon below) to see if there are pre-existing todo items such as items for high-debt classes.
We can also create TODO items manually (“manual TODOs”). For example, we can create a TODO to make a table resource exclusive to a domain:
Open the Resource Report (left pane)
Click on PAYMENT_INFO and then the icon (right) to create a TODO
Select the Domain the resource should be exclusive to - PaymentService
Open the TODO List again (as you did previously) and you should see a new TODO of type Manual associated with the event “RESOURCE EXCLUSIVITY”, listing the two domains the resource usage should be removed from.
Once a TODO item is resolved, e.g., the architectural tech debt of a class is reduced so it is not longer high-debt or the resource becomes exclusive to the domain, the status of the TODO will change from TODO to DONE.